Constantine Gulag meet and greet

You have discovered the secret page. Constantine Gulag.

The Constantine Gulag meet-and-greet only happened once during the 2014 Villains Unleashed event at Disney's Hollywood Studios. Guests waited in line for up to three hours to be ordered forward by cast members playing Russian guards and insulted by the world's most dangerous frog himself. And it was the frog himself, underneath the little jail cell was Matt Vogel, voice and puppeteer of Constantine in the then recently released Muppets Most Wanted, in a little box. He later made an appearance in the Muppet area's Stage 1 Company Store as himself to sign autographs and take pictures.

I can't believe you could visit a Muppet in Russian prison. Dispite the event being named "Villains Unleashed" Constantine was, very much, still in jail. His little froggy hands in his tiny little fingerless gloves permanently stuck to the bars.

Yes, I have video:

Video 2:

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