Some fun webbed sites!

New!!! Graphics collection page new and improved :D
My friends & mutuals:
- Garret Gilchrist is a really cool film restorationist and ROMHacker
- Vinnie Rattolle is another internet archivist who inspired me to learn how to code
- My favorite site of his is the Carrie fansite where he archives stuff from the musical
- Take a look through his Issuu, Internet Archive, and YouTube accounts, you never know what obscure old media you're going to find
- Crayfurbs is a Furby modder and historian
- They also have a Furby Archives Neocities

Button wall:
Other fun sites:
- Dave Malloy's website is one of my favorites to explore
- Make a Gifypet!
- Plushify! I hope I can get 3D modelling software and use it someday
- Marigold Town is a cool site-hosting project themed like a small town! I might join someday when I get more comfortable coding
- xandra
- Learn more about the original Minotaur
- Check out this emulated version of the They Might Be Giants "NO" interactive CDROM!!!
- fleshprocessor
Site-building resourses::
- Transparent textures
- Internet Bee more background textures
- Texture Town
- Fancy Parts cute backgrounds & icons!
- Glitter text generator
My favorite YouTube channels:
Making stuff:
- Adam Savage’s Tested
- Laura Kampf
- Simone Giertz
- Technology Connections
- Dollightful
- barnabydixon
- Christine McConnell (she NEEDS more love)
- suckerpinch
Video Essays & Analysis: